Day 27 — The friendliest person I knew for only one day

On a daily basis, particularly working food service, or anywhere customer service related, you are going to run into people for one day. They may be nice, they may be rude. Having a great day, or having a horrible day.

This one girl I ran into once, working at McD's, was so sweet and kind, and she had to reason to be.

@NiceCustomer I wish every customer that had a bad day was like you. You were all smiles even though your day was rough. I hope you keep smiling.

Every person you run into, you have the opportunity to improve or impact their day. Take care to think about the people you see, walking, in the street, on the bus, wherever. Smile at them. Say hello. Maybe you will be the one person who kick starts their day of positivity.

Pay it forward.

Peace and serenity,

Simply Me


laurak/ForestWalkArt :) said...

so true. pay it forward. be kind. what a better place the world would be...if we could ALL be more...and get along! thanks. nice post!

Laura Kaeding said...

Thanks, glad there's more than one person out there that thinks so! :) Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty good at being kind when someone else is having a rough day, but when I am the one having a tough time? Well, I'm still practicing.

Laura Kaeding said...

I know, it's so hard to be nice and pleasant when you just want to sit in a corner and cry. It's definitely something that I'm working on.