Looking forward to 2011 – Goal #2

For now, I will be creating only two goals for the new year, with smaller goals popping up periodically.

My second goal for 2011 will be:

Make one small change per month towards a greener or simpler lifestyle.

This will be easy enough to track, and I will definitely be making updates at least once per month. I will be working on deciding which changes to make as the times progresses.

For January, my small change will be:

Spend less than 200$ on eating out/entertainment that is fallen back on for laziness sake.

M and I, as bad as it is, tend to fall back on eating out when we’ve had long days, and it usually isn’t particularly healthy food we choose either. Vacations will be different, not that I foresee making a ton of those in the next few months, but they are no excuse to go all out.

We also have a tendency to buy movies and video games that attract our eyes, despite having more than enough to watch/play that haven’t even been touched yet.

Small changes are the easiest to make, and they also provide the doorway towards larger jumps. Moving towards a simpler, more sustainable lifestyle is a long-term goal for me, and each step will take me closer to that ideal lifestyle I’m looking for.

Peace and serenity,

Simply Me


Stoney Creek Homestead said...

I don't know what your schedule is like in the mornings. But if you have time, and if you own a slow cooker you could have supper waiting for you when you get home from work.

I have also heard some people put aside one day a week to make ahead several meals for the week for the freezer.

Just a couple of suggestions.

Laura Kaeding said...

These are fantastic suggestions, but I am a terrible cook! :) M is the one who does all the cooking, and she leaves for work before the sun is up even in the summer. Freezer meals might be swingable, I'll definitely keep that in mind!

Thank you very much, I always appreciate suggestions.